Writing Samples
I was a part of Due South magazine from August 2017 - December 2021. Due South is the University of South Alabama's campus magazine and is entirely made up of students. Each semester I would write 1-2 articles. From January 2019 - December 2019 I served as the assistant editor so along with writing articles, I helped with the overall layout design and created graphics for the two issues published. 
Fall 2021 issue of Due South. I wrote the article toxic or trendy?
Click here for the digital version of the issue!
Spring 2021 issue of Due South. I wrote the article Climate Emergency.
Click here for the digital version of the issue!
Fall 2020 issue of Due South. I wrote the articles Zoom University and Express Yourself.
Click here for the digital version of the issue!
Spring 2020 issue of Due South. I wrote the articles Your Guide to a Green Thumb and Athleisure.
Click here for the digital version of the issue!
Fall 2019 issue of Due South. It was Due South's very first special topics issue, and it covers different aspects of diversity and inclusion. I wrote the articles Full Spectrum, Blurred Lines, and Pop Culture Trends. As an assistant editor, I did the layout for my articles. This issue made international news coverage when our printer declined to print it on the basis that they're a Christian company and the content doesn't adhere to their values. 
Click here for the digital version of the issue!
Spring 2019 issue of Due South. I wrote the articles It's All Greek to Me, Guide to Adulting, and Pop Culture Trends. As an assistant editor, I did the layout for my articles! 
Click here for the digital version of the issue!​​​​​​​
Article for Due South for fall 2018 issue. An infographic on plastic and recycling!
Click the picture for the digital issue!
Article for Due South for the spring 2018 issue. Just simple money-saving tips for college students.
Click the picture for the digital issue!
My first article for Due South in the fall of 2017. The idea was to be a short, simple but informative piece about the apps our university offered for students. 
Click on the picture for the digital issue!
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